"Mae'r ardd yn eich ysbrydoli, nid ydych eisiau cael allan o'r baddon ac mae'r gwely yn hynod braf a moethus"

Ynglŷn â

Mae’r bwthyn yn cynnig:

CeginCegin gyda ffenestr tua’r cwm (golchi llestri yn y dull hen ffasiwn a golygfa uwchben y sinc!) a drws i’r ardd. Wedi ei gyfarparu’n dda, gydag oergell yn cynnwys rhewgell a phopty trydan gyda phentan nwy o ddur gloyw.

Cegin Fawr – prif ystafell y bwthyn yn cynnwys cadeiriau ffon Cymreig, setl a bwrdd mawr traddodiadol. Yr hen stôf goed enamel – wedi ei adnewyddu – ar yr aelwyd a mainc yn ei ymyl i chi ymlacio a chael cwtch.

Parlwr gyda stôf goed Morsø, soffa a chadair esmwyth. Clyd a pherffaith ar gyfer noson o ddarllen tawel neu sgwrsio hwyliog.

Prif lofftYstafell ymolchi (ar y llawr isaf). Bath haearn, lle chwech a’r sinc gwreiddiol. Celfi cyfoes a chawod moethus (uwchben y bath).

Prif lofft yn cynnwys gwely dwbl cyfforddus â charthen Gymreig arno, a’r silff ben tân wreiddiol.

Ail lofft yn cynnwys gwely sengl â charthen Gymreig, a dwy silff hir a llydan yn y nenfwd.
Llofft plant yn cynnwys 2 ‘futon’ – lle gwych i chwarae mig (to isel).

Yr holl welyau o’r cwmni Cymreig ‘Alphabeds’ sy’n gwneud eu matresi o ddeunyddiau naturiol ac organig ac yn defnydddio coed o ffynonellau cynaliadwy. Y gwelyau mwyaf cyfforddus i ni ddod ar eu traws erioed!! Y ‘duvets’ o ddeunyddiau cyfangwbl naturiol a’r dillad gwely a’r tyweli o gotwm organig.

Yr arddYr ardd. Mae yna deras wal gerrig sychion yn y cefn sy’n lle i eistedd, cael pryd neu ymlacio. Mae yna randir blodau gwyllt sy’n sioe o liw drwy’r gwanwyn a’r haf. Pan fydd blodau yn yr ardd byddwn ni’n eu defnyddio i addurno’r tŷ ac mae croeso i chi ddefnyddio’r perlysiau i goginio ac i wneud te blas. Mae’r coed afalau o du isa’r teras yn gynnyrch impio â nifer o fathau hynafol o goeden afal ac fe gewch chi helpu’ch hun i’r ffrwyth.

View of the refurbished kitchen

View of the refurbished kitchen

Detail of Kitchen. Photo by Under the Thatch

Detail of Kitchen. Photo by Under the Thatch

Detail of Kitchen (2). Photo by Under the Thatch

Detail of Kitchen (2). Photo by Under the Thatch

The kitchen and view to the garden. Photo from Under the Thatch

The kitchen and view to the garden. Photo from Under the Thatch

View of the garden from kitchen. Photo by Under the Thatch

View of the garden from kitchen. Photo by Under the Thatch

View of the garden from the kitchen. Photo by Under the Thatch

View of the garden from the kitchen. Photo by Under the Thatch

View of the garden. Photo by Under the Thatch

View of the garden. Photo by Under the Thatch

Cegin Fawr. Photo by Under the Thatch

Cegin Fawr. Photo by Under the Thatch

Detail of Cegin Fawr. Photo by Under the Thatch

Detail of Cegin Fawr. Photo by Under the Thatch

Dining table. Photo by Under the Thatch

Dining table. Photo by Under the Thatch

Parlour. Photo by Under the Thatch

Parlour. Photo by Under the Thatch

Parlour with wood burner. Photo by Under the Thatch

Parlour with wood burner. Photo by Under the Thatch

Second bedroom. Photo by Under the Thatch

Second bedroom. Photo by Under the Thatch

Panelled staircase. Photo by Under the Thatch

Panelled staircase. Photo by Under the Thatch

Main Bedroom. Photo by Under the Thatch

Main Bedroom. Photo by Under the Thatch

Main Bedroom with Welsh Blanket

Main Bedroom with Welsh Blanket

Children's bedroom. Photo by Under the Thatch

Children’s bedroom. Photo by Under the Thatch

View into the bathroom, from kitchen. Photo by Under the Thatch

View into the bathroom, from kitchen. Photo by Under the Thatch

Bathroom. Photo by Under the Thatch

Bathroom. Photo by Under the Thatch

Detail of Bathroom. Photo by Under the Thatch

Detail of Bathroom. Photo by Under the Thatch

2 Penrhiw (right). Photo by Under the Thatch

2 Penrhiw (right). Photo by Under the Thatch

Looking uphill towards 2 Penrhiw. Photo by Under the Thatch

Looking uphill towards 2 Penrhiw. Photo by Under the Thatch

A view of the cottage through the apple tree

A view of the cottage through the apple tree